Letter of comfort

Letter of comfort

You might need a ‘letter of comfort’ from us when:

  • There have been unauthorised building work
  • A building warrant has expired
  • A building warrant is not required

How to apply

See our information on how to apply

How much will it cost?

If the value of works is £8,000 or less then the cost will be £265.23. If it will be more than £8,000 the fee is based on the table of fees for building warrant applications.

Payment can be made online.

Cost £265.23

The fee will be based on the value of works and in line with the table of fees for building warrant applications.

Unauthorised building work before 1 May 2005

You can request a letter of comfort if work was completed before 1 May 2005.

Depending on the nature and scale of the work, we can insist that you send us a building warrant application. We aim to inspect the work within ten working days. If anything needs to be done we will let you know. A letter of comfort would be sent after a satisfactory inspection.

If the value of the works is £8,000 or less then the cost will be £265.23. If it will be more than £8,000 the fee is based on the table of fees for building warrant applications.

Unauthorised building work after 1 May 2005

If building work started after 1 May 2005 and you don’t have building warrant approval you will need to apply for late submission of a building warrant.

If works have been completed and you don’t have building warrant approval you will need to apply for late submission of a completion certificate online.

You will need to send relevant plans and specifications with this. The works which have been completed may have to be exposed and will require to meet the standards that apply at the time of the submission. A 300% surcharge is applicable to this type of application.

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